On November 9th and 10th 2022 our partner from the beautiful city of Porto organized a hybrid project meeting. We started on day 1 with an opening by our hosts followed by a project overview, and an award ceremony for the achievements of our virtual patient authors. OUr hosts then gave an interesting overview about the University and the activities regarding internationalization and mobility. After lunch we continued in parallel sessions to discuss our pilot evaluation results, dissemination and reserach activities. The second group with students from Porto and Krakow were guided by Małgorzata Sudacka and Anja Mayer and worked on virtual patients and elaborated in focus groups on the student perspective on feedback options for the clinical reasoning concept maps.

In the evening we had a wonderful and delicious dinner at the Restaurante O Comércio in the center of Porto.
On day 2 the partner from Jagiellonian University guided us through a workshop on our integration guideline (IO3). We discussed in three small groups the different topics of the guideline and how we can implement further improvements on the website. Finally, we went to visit the nearby simultion center of the Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, which was a perfect closing of the meeting.