On September 16th and 17th 2021 the annual conference of the Association of Medical Education in Germany (GMA) was held as a virtual event. iCoViP associate partner Instruct gGmbH supported by the University of Augsburg provided a 90 min workshop on virtual patients. The interactive session included a presentation of the iCoViP project and discussions with the 15 participants on aspects of integration VPs into a curriculum and the further development of VPs for using them in interprofessional learning settings. Participants were from medical schools in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland and had different professional backgrounds.

During this workhop we received important feedback from stakeholders, such as educators, curriculum developers, and faculty developers. We gained insights in how the iCoViP virtual patient collection could be used by medical schools in German-speaking countries in different educational setting and curricular models. This feedback will be considered by the consortium for developing the integration guideline (IO3).